Elementary School Newsletter 10.23.2023
Dear Elementary Families,
It is conference week! We are excited to welcome you into the building and hope you have a great opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and hear about all of the learning that has been going on in Quarter 1. It is an expectation that all families are participating in parent teacher conferences so if for some reason you are unable to make it, please connect with your teacher so that we can find a way to reschedule your conference. While you are here, please remember to check the lost and found. It is getting overloaded with lost items!
Tree Planting Day:
Thanks to the PCS Parent Beautification Committee, we are getting 40 trees through ReLeaf, some of which are edible varieties! Please see the attached flyer if you are interested in volunteering to help plant the trees. The group will meet in the PCS garden to get started on the planting dates.
Veterans’ Day
You and your military family are cordially invited to join the PCS family for our 11th annual Veterans’ Day Assembly on Thursday, November 9th, from 2-3:00pm in the courtyard. (Rain plan - PCS Gym)
Please return the flyer attached to this email (or fill out the online form) so we may have enough chairs for our assembly and treats at the reception immediately following the assembly from 3:00-3:30pm.
Contact the following teaching with questions.
Ms. Stevens in the MS (vstevens@premiercharterschool.org)
Ms. Wagener in the ELEM (mwagener@premiercharterschool.org)
Ms. Bowe in the EC (mbowe@premiercharterschool.org)
Feria del Libro
October 23-26
Monday & Tuesday 3:30-4:30 PM
Wednesday 3:30-6:00 PM
Thursday 12-5 PM
In the Library, building C
Cash, check, credit, or ewallet accepted.
Set up an ewallet account, volunteer or shop online at bit.ly/pcsfair
*Volunteers Needed*
Parents and PCS staff are invited to help out! Visit our volunteer sign up to see how you can help here: All volunteers receive a $10 credit towards books at the fair.
Staff Highlights:
In this week’s newsletter we are highlighting our 4th grade team!
Red Ribbon Week:
Please see this flyer RRW for more information on Red Ribbon Week.
Parent Involvement Opportunities (for the Elementary Building):
Leaving this here for easy access again!
If you're interested in supporting our school in a more substantial capacity, one that extends beyond your child's classroom, please take a moment to complete this form.
Please be aware that if you do want to volunteer in the classrooms you must complete a background check. We also ask that you review our Volunteer Guidelines before deciding if you’d like to volunteer in our school (this also has all the information you will need to complete the background check).
Student Forum:
One of our priorities that contributes to a positive and inclusive environment is involving students in decision-making processes and allowing them to have a voice in shaping their school community. Last week, Dr. Bright and I began holding a series of student forums to invite students’ voices and encourage students to take ownership of our school's culture and atmosphere. It was so great to hear what our students LOVE about PCS and what ideas they have for making it an even better place!
Family Math Night:
Get excited for PCS Math Spirit week, 10/30-11/3! Each day that week Pre-K-8 grade students will be able to dress up in math themed ways with a family celebration on Thursday, November 2nd from 5:30-7pm.
Play games as a family, with teachers, and friends! Be entered for raffle prizes! Parents and Guardians get ideas and resources to help your child(ren) at home with math!
Pizza dinner will be provided for attending families, an RSVP for the event will come out soon. Please reach out if you'd like to volunteer that evening or if you have any questions.
Christy Wohlgemuth, cwohlgemuth@premiercharterschool.org
Upcoming dates:
October 25 & 26 - Conferences
October 26 - Early Dismissal 12:00
October 27 - No School
October 30 - November 3 - Math Spirit Week
October 30 - Board Meeting 4:30
November 2 - Math Night 5:30-7:00
November 11- Veterans Day Assembly
Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you during parent teacher conferences!