Family & Student Resources
Important Documents & Forms
2024-2025 Summer Mailing PDF: Download Here
2024-2025 Calendar: Download Here
2024-2025 School Supply List: Download Here
2024-2025 Student & Parent Handbook: Download Here
2024-2025 Athletic Handbook: Download Here
You can find miscellaneous forms such as meal application, withdrawal, permission to medicate, change of address, and the required signature packet by clicking HERE.
Click HERE for Walker Permission Form.
Click HERE for Photo Permission Form.
Click HERE for School Health Form.
Infinite Campus Portal
El Portal del Campus IC es una herramienta para que las escuelas y las familias se mantengan conectadas y comprometidas, así como para que las familias mantengan actualizadas sus preferencias de comunicación con los estudiantes.
Technical Support:
¿Tienes problemas con el aprendizaje virtual y/o tu tecnología? Envíe una solicitud de soporte técnico aquí. Por favor, sea lo más descriptivo posible sobre cuál es su problema.
Get involved with PCG!
Whenever you need information about school events, activities, fundraisers, or just need to get in touch with another parent, the Parent Community Group (PCG) is here for you. Click the link below to get involved today!
Lost & Found
Por favor, asegúrese de marcar todas las pertenencias de los estudiantes (mochilas, suéteres/sudaderas, botellas de agua, loncheras, etc.) claramente con el nombre y apellido del estudiante. Hacemos todo lo posible para devolver los artículos perdidos a los estudiantes. Este año los artículos perdidos no se guardarán indefinidamente. Marcar con el nombre ayudará a asegurar que el artículo sea devuelto.
Counselor Connection:
Counseling Website Link: https://sites.google.com/premiercharterschool.org/pcs-school-counseling
Información sobre traumas para padres:
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education published reports:
State and District Report Card Linked Here
MSIP 6 APR Summary Report Linked Here
Drop off & Pick-Up Information:
Students may be dropped off at school between 8:00-8:15. Students dropped off after 8:15 will be considered tardy. It is critical that students are not regularly dropped off before 8:00 in order to ensure that drop off is supervised.
1st-8th grade students will dismiss at 3:25. If you would like your child(ren) to be able to walk off campus after dismissal, you will need to complete a Walker Permission Form for each child.
Except in an emergency situation, early pick-ups after 3:00 are not permitted due to the proximity to dismissal.
Menú del almuerzo
Click HERE to view school lunch menus!
Free & Reduced Lunch:
Submit your 2024-2025 free/reduced applications for this school year, so there will be no delay of benefits if or when the free meals program ends.
Solicitud de almuerzo gratis y reducido
Click HERE to view our newsletters.
Civil Rights Complaints and Procedure and Form:
Click HERE to view the form.
Martha Gray- Homeless Coordinator/ Foster Care Coordinator
If you are experiencing homelessness and are in need of educational supports please reach out. Direct line to Mrs. Gray - 314-881-2553 or mgray@premiercharterschool.org
Here you can find the PCS Math Resources Website!
Interpreting MAP Results
Watch this video to help with Interpreting Map Results!
Interpreting iREADY REPORTS
Watch this video to help with Interpreting iReady Reports!