Elementary School Newsletter - December 6th, 2021
December is here in all of its glory. As we wind down in 2021, I start thinking about new beginnings and resolutions. I think we made a lot of progress this year and I am excited about what is to come in 2022. I am extremely optimistic for our students and our staff that we will get even closer to "normal" and look forward to positive changes to come.
iReady testing is occurring from December 6-15. Please make sure the students have plenty of sleep and breakfast so that they can perform their best on these assessments! The results will be sent out shortly after Winter Break.
Attached is a flyer. Washington University is conducting a research study for children 7-8-years old. The study takes place in their child-friendly lab space on the Washington University medical campus along Forest Park Avenue. The study involves one appointment that lasts approximately 2.5 hours. The families who participate in this study earn $75 for their time. If needed, they can arrange transportation to and from the lab.
During the appointment, a trained researcher will assist the child in completing an EEG. EEGs are entirely non-invasive technology that measures brain activity. The child will then play games on the computer that involve earning points for a prize. All tasks are age-appropriate and designed to be fun. While the child is completing their EEG, the parent will be asked to complete several self-report questionnaires about their and their child’s health, feelings, and behaviors. Should families participate, all information they provide will be kept confidential. This study has been approved by Washington University School of Medicine's Institutional Review Board.
Water Bottles/Cups: Friendly reminder to have your child bring a water bottle/cup to school! It is also helpful to label your child's bottle with their name on it so that it can be easily found. Drinking fountains are currently shut off per safety guidelines. Touchless water bottle fillers remain available for use in all buildings. Please reach out if you need assistance acquiring a water bottle for your child.
Masks: Please continue to send your child with a mask. We have several students who come in without them. They are provided with a mask in the case of a broken one or a one-time forgotten mistake, but please do your part to ensure that resources aren't wasted.
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, December 9th: Family Night at Happy Joes
Saturday, December 11th PCG Holiday Breakfast
Thursday, December 16th: Earthquake Drill
Monday, December 20th - December 31st - Winter Break (NO School)
Monday, January 3rd - School Resumes
Updated COVID numbers are attached below.
Thanks, everyone! Have a great week!
Tyson Strickler
Director de la escuela primaria
314-645-9600, ext. 610